
Jane Nelsen, Ed.D.

(Q1: What is Individual Psychology for you?)

The basis of my life and my work. I love the concept of "social interest"; concern for others and the community. I love the concept of dignity and respect for all people, including children.


(Q2: How does Individual Psychology influence your everyday life?)

I love the understanding that thoughts have no meaning except the meaning we give them. It is so helpful to understand that I created my thoughts and that I can change them. It is the basis of my work with clients in private practice as a therapist and my work as an author of Positive Discipline books, which are all based on Individual Psychology. Parents and teachers find it so helpful to know that misbehavior is based on discouragement, and that they can learn encouraging ways to motivate improved behavior.


(Q3: I hear there are as many non-professional menbers as professional menbers in Japanese Society of Adlerian Society. What do you think about that non-professionals and professionals study together?)

It is the essence of Adlerian Psychology; equality, dignity and respect for all. Everyone can learn from each other. No one is above anyone else, no matter what their education. All have difference experiences and something to offer.


(Q4: In a lecture for beginners of Individual Psychology, what would you like to teach them the most?)

I think I have said it in my answers above.
