
Tadashi TANAKA, M.D.

(Q1: What is Individual Psychology for you?)


It is a theory of psychology based on holism, teleology, interpersonal and cognitive theory. It is psychology which makes us aware of the idea, "I do not live your life, nor live you my life. I do live my life, and you do live your life." It is psychology for help others. It is psychology which is always concerned about the human relationship with whom you are with as a valuable being.

(Q2: How does Individual Psychology influence your everyday life?)


As it gives various effects on every aspect of my life, it is very difficult for me to remember its influences concretely. I can, however, say that I have learned to think simple things not in a complicated way, and, as a result, I can live easier. I learned many ideas to live with others sincerely in equal relationship.

(Q3: I hear there are as many non-professional menbers as professional menbers in Japanese Society of Adlerian Society. What do you think about that non-professionals and professionals study together?)


I believe that Individual Psychology does not discriminate professionals from non-professionals. Everyone can learn and practice it. We can discuss the same thing in the same manner with profesionals of various speciaities and non-professional people.

(Q4: In a lecture for beginners of Individual Psychology, what would you like to teach them the most?)


You can live your own life. You can solve your own problems. Don't you try to make others to solve your problems? Don't you try to solve other person's problem without permission? Think what you can do to co-operate with others! Do not think what others should do to co-operate with you!